FOSSILamp v1.1Improvements: buttons better aligned to the rest of the skins, better readable playlist buttons. Mail me if you find any bugs!It was based on my Fos
FOSSILamp v1.1
Improvements: buttons better aligned to the rest of the skins, better readable playlist buttons. Mail me if you find any bugs!
It was based on my Fossil Brain watch (, which explains the name. I made it with photoshop in a few days.
Release date: 9 october 2000
Special thanks to all my friends!
About me:
Dirk Jonker,
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
ICQ#: 51732234 (Nick: DJ)
Homepage: N/A (yet!)
Made in the Netherlands
FEUER&EIS 2.9 Edition
2003 by chrismale -
Deleted the animated cursors for reasons of compatibility.
Well, finally updated and extended the skin, so it fits for the needs of winamp 2.9 and,
maybe, ...
Adaptation of fractal art into a winamp skin.
Change Log:
1.0.3 5/21/06
Fixed the final problems I can find; future fixes will depend on user imput.
1.0.2 5/20/06
R ...
Funker Vogt - T
This skin is made by John ...