LaetitiaAmpVersion 1.00(c) Jesar Paguioinfo-is@in-file-for best results, put on fire style/peaks/thickbands/peaks falloff-fastest at the spectrum analyzer opt
Version 1.00
(c) Jesar Paguio
-for best results, put on
fire style/peaks/thickbands/peaks falloff-fastest
at the spectrum analyzer options
-put the playlist font size at 9
-of course you can use whatever settings you want,
these are just my own, so don't gripe about me
trying to force you or anything, capisce?
(get by renaming this wsz file to a zip file and
-a desktop background in jpg format that i created
-also included an alternate to the equalizer sliders
-there are some minor problems with this skin, as near
perfect as it is already, which i will fix as soon as
i figure out how to. you find any problems? don't
hesitate to email me with questions, comments,
suggestions, requests, et cetera, et cetera...
Lisa Boyle Skin by Tatu
Thank you for downloading this skin !!!
I don't have much info about Lisa, but I think when see her pics
there is not much to tell ... ;-)
Date of birth ------- 6 August 1968
Place of birt ...