6-8-2000This is one of my favorite pictures from one of my favorite manga characters, Izumi Sanofrom the manga Hanazakari no Kimitachi E. It is such a great manga
This is one of my favorite pictures from one of my favorite manga characters, Izumi Sano
from the manga Hanazakari no Kimitachi E. It is such a great manga! For more info on the series
check out my HanaKimi page! http://niko-niko.net/hanakimi
HackerS_kin 1.3
Hacked by Mickey Knox - released Aug 15th 2000
ICQ 47439432 - info-is@in-file
Now with AVS skinned, and also the equalizer fixed!
1. This is e-cardware. If you like it, just send me an e-card as payment ...
Highway Amp. Version 1.1
skinned by k_rock923
(C) 2004
Skinning time- You don't want to know (really)
Programs- around a million: mspaint,
microsoft image composer, adobe illustrator,
notepad, microsoft gif animator, ...