Hi, this is my first skin. It's not very nice, but it's my first one. Why Xpectation?Because I've Xpected from that something new. Maybe you don't like it - 'cause
Hi, this is my first skin. It's not very nice, but it's my first one. Why Xpectation?
Because I've Xpected from that something new. Maybe you don't like it - 'cause
it's really - REALLY quite ugly. But I belive the next one (Tractor) will be better.
-Skin made with Paint, 602 photo (buttons)
-It took me about two weeks (work)
-Watch me made with PaintShop, paint and 602 photo
(c) X.Vojta [2k&3]
PS: Tractor's commin' soon
X-Skin (Asereht) - collab: Garet Jax/Peacemaker
All parts of this winamp skin are done.
Winamp Main - Skinned
Winamp Equalizer - Skinned
Winamp Playlist - Skinned
Winamp Minibrowser - Skinned
Winamp Video - Skinned
Winamp Medi ...
july 19, 2002
xbox masteramp winamp skin release 1.03
my third skin, took me about 40 hours to do this one. I'm a huge xbox fan, and I'll most likely make a few xbobx game-based skins, (ie halo), in the near future.
My fiance' gave up alot of ho ...