1 textbox bg
2 textbox text
3 bg
4 button text
5 text
6 3d highlight
7 selection
8 buttonbar face
9 buttonbar text
10 buttonbar highlight
11 buttonbar lowlight
12 buttonbar lowlight2
13 buttonbar unused
14 scrollbar bg1
15 scrollbar bg2
16 scrollbar selection1
17 scrollbar selection2
18 scrollbar scrollbar corner
this skin was made by Mark McGirr (MDWM).
copyright held by MDWM through space, time and dimension.
email mdwmr@hotmail,com for permission to use the design concept of this skin.
Title: Final Fantasy VIII ALPHA v2.25
By: Magno, Alejandro S.
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Date: June 9, 2001
My first attempt skin inspired by jojo and Treux
for their Cool skins.I used mostly faded effect
on this skin so i call it Alpha and se ...