that I am inetrested in YOUR KIND OF "Safety"?I am inetrested in DEFENSE with my 3 guns.I have no control over the OTHER GUY'S will to create "safety". I ONLY have a say in my stepping into scenarios that might increase my chances of being a VICTIM. Hist
(der will zur macht)
by: schezo
staretd: 04 april 2003
version1.0 : 10 april 2003
Wow! It's been A WHOLE YEAR since I
made my last skin... I think that
was an f ...
//////////////This is my very first skin I have every created.
It took me three days straights to complete the whole thing. After
making it, I can't say I like the process very much, it was a pain
in the butt! However, I created this skin dedicated for ...