first of all I want to thakn you all for downloading my skin...this skin's themes is combination between blue, gray, and blackI made this skin very carefully and
first of all I want to thakn you all for downloading my skin...
this skin's themes is combination between blue, gray, and black
I made this skin very carefully and
I like this skin very much
And I hope you enjoy it...
By SYrEn
2.9x compatible!
Created in, erm... MS Paint.
No really, it was.
The idea behind this skin is to provide
ease of use and minimum annoyance, 'cos
whilst all ...
Sabre Wulf - The Winamp Years
(c) 2003 Jones
Final build 28.08.03
"Down and down I plunged, through Rocky Glades, Steep Ravines and Shady Hollows...No grip, no footholds, slipping, tumbling, spinning, darker and darker, deeper and de ...