Skin Creado Por Ivan Palacios
wmp version 4.0
martes, 18, octubre, 2005
ver editada con todas las aplicaciones nesesarias
tiene todo con un diseņo dif ...
Wolfplayer (v1.0 if you will)
Make screenshots... Cut, paste, smudge here and there and there you have it :
A Winamp skin based on the game Return To Castle Wolfenstein.
Skin created by Hachmeister.
"I don't know what the fuss is about..." ...
Whirling Illusion --- by Jellby
(April-May 2002)
To install the included presets, open the .wsz file with winzip and extract the file 'WhirlingIllusion.avs' directly into your winamppluginsavs folder or in a subfolder.
To use the preset, just ...