SSTAMP 1.0 official Winamp 2 skin
created by Judy Schmidt AKA Geckzilla
Random fact: The AVS will look weird if you do
not have the latest version of Winamp. I
included avs.bmp in the skin but had no way to
test it.
Thanks to
- Jeric and his underlings for making possible,
- TemplateAmp for making the creation of this
skin 10x easier,
- Cocles for harrassing me non-stop,
- Nullsoft (big fat obvious sign),
- #Eatpoo for making things... interesting,
- Tucker and Marshmallow for keeping me
- ...and everyone and everything I probably
X 1999 by Clamp
"Digital Green"
Date: 28 August 2002
[For Winamp 2]
Green , bright green, dark green, green.
I was in a "greenish mood" and
the picture of Satsuki with her Beast
caught my attention.
Then, ta da.....
Digital Green -- the prod ...
"Softlight" Skin for Winamp
Version 1.0
This is my third attempt at a skin.