******************************** UNO Winamp Skin Version 2.0 ********************************Contents :**********# Comments# Small FAQ# Installation# Contac
* UNO Winamp Skin Version 2.0 *
Contents :
# Comments
# Small FAQ
# Installation
# Contact me
# Thanks
# Comments :
HI, my name is Juan Pablo Rodofile (JPR for u) and this is my very first winamp skin.
I know it doesn't look very fancy or detailed but I think it's cute ;).
In this new version, you can see big changes to the player, EQ and Mini Browser but the Playlist stills the same (ugly:).
Yes I know, The minibrowser buttons sucks!
Comments are welcome.
To find out how to contact me go to the bottom of this readme file.
# Small FAQ :
Q: What is UNO?
A: Uno it's a skin for Winamp 2.xx
Q: What is a Skin?
A: A skin is some kind of a "dress" for a program's GUI (Graphics)
Q: What is Winamp?
A: Winamp it's a great MP3 player (I'm sure you already knows it)
Q: Where do I get it?
A: Go to http://www.winamp.com
# Installation :
Winamp 2.04/+ Users :
Copy the ZIP file to you skin directory.
(Example "C:Program FilesWinampSkins")
Run Winamp and press ALT+S "Uno" should appear on the list,
select it, press "CLOSE" and that's it !!!! ENJOY !!!!!!!!
Winamp 2.00/01/02/03 Users :
Uncompress the ZIP file to your Winamp skin directory.
(Example "C:Program FilesWinampSkins")
Run Winamp and press ALT+S "Uno" should appear on the list,
select it, press "CLOSE" and that's it !!!! ENJOY !!!!!!!!
# Contact me :
ICQ UIN : 2762268
E-Mail : info-is@in-file
HOMEPAGE : http://members.xoom.com/jpr/
Once again thank U !!!!!!
and please excuse my bad English.
# Thanks Goes to:
- (your name here:)
- All my dear friends
Macci, thiago, choca, Marianete, etc.
Finished... For your enjoyment.. and I don't think I'm wrong.. If I ever had any doubt that my skin wasn't all that drop-dead-gorgious... Al my doubts would have been reduced to air.. I mean this skin took me a lot of time.. Think about transparency.. AN ...
Well Well
here is ultrakarma
this skin was the very first version on ultra-k
just before i change the colors. (you can get it on skinz.org or winamp.com)
just instal the dir as it is in the winamp skin directory
that's it .. enjoy :)
you can m ...