Pluemetal IIby's a sequal to my 2:nd skin bluemetal. doesnt have much incomon, byt who cares... anyway, hope u like itDuration: about 4 months (my com
Pluemetal II
by petepan.
it's a sequal to my 2:nd skin bluemetal. doesnt have much incomon, byt who cares... anyway, hope u like it
Duration: about 4 months (my computor has been on service for a month or so)
Programs used: Photoshop 6
� petepan.
You may not use any part of this skin, without written consent.
wersja 1.01 ************************
* BLACK CAT corp. *
* Skins for Winamp *
* by Ma�anka Krzysztof *
"Black Cat"
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