"Sandra 2001"
By: DGangJ
Skin Name: Sandra 2k1
Author's Name: Ivan
Time: 17 days
Programs Used: Paint Shop Pro 7.02 (Winamp Skin)
Microangelo 5 (Winamp Cursors)
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Page: www.geocities.com/dgangj
www.crosswinds.net/~dgangj (under construction)
This Skin is dedicated to my girlfriend (Sandra). This is my 1st skin! I hope you guys like it :þ It's a simple skin with some shadow efects, made with PSP 7.02. Everything's skined except MiniBrowser (I don't use it so.. maybe I'll work on it later). I've made an AVS file for this skin, it's inside the zip file.
Sorry for my bad english! ;)
Comments or suggestions please send to:
-> info-is@in-file
...Sandra, I love you :*****...'s
SteamAmp v2.0.
I made this cause I like the way the program STEAM looks.
I thought it might be fun to have it as a Winamp skin. Voila.
-Fixed Playlist exploit
-Fixed button exploits
-Fixed Video window where the fileinfo ran off ...