Narcoamp was created by Tudor Watson for Narcopop.comGet the latest info on mp3 and links to hundreds of free tracks at http://www.narcopop.comWinamp can be downl
Narcoamp was created by Tudor Watson for
Get the latest info on mp3 and links to hundreds of free tracks at
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Original Gfx copyright Tudor Watson 1999.
Para WinAmp 2x
por:Hector David Barajas Marin
hecho desde 14 abril al 17abril
desde enero de 2000 empese a conocer esto de los skins y como todo el mundo solo
me conformaba a esperar a que saliera un skin del ...
``````````````````````````` N E X U S - Blue ````````````````````````````
I didn't want to copy a particular deck so i mixed
up different decks and stuff...I may release an
orange LCD version if i get some spare time...
I also animated the EQ,Vol ...
Night Dash
"Car Dials/Buttons/Stereo by Night" Skin by EJ
Playlist Font:
Set as "Small Fonts", which looks rubbish above size 9.
Change font size to 9 in Options, Preferences, Playlist, Playlist Editor Appearance, Playlist Font Size.
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