Aug 6, 1999Poor Izumi, such suffering you and Kouji go through!Here's a skin from Bronze, featuring Izumi, a member of our favoritedisfunctional yaoi couple ^_^;
Aug 6, 1999
Poor Izumi, such suffering you and Kouji go through!
Here's a skin from Bronze, featuring Izumi, a member of our favorite
disfunctional yaoi couple ^_^; I wonder if it is possible to make
a CHEERFUL Bronze skin... is there even any CHEERFUL Bronze artwork?
I have doubts ^^; Anyway, here it is, I like how it turned out :)
; This region info generated by Winamp region.txt generator which is made by Maxim.
; Note to skin authors: You can remove these comments so long as you leave one copy of the two lines above.
NumPoints=4,4,4, ...
iTunes 4 Winamp
Based on Apple iTunes 4.1 for Windows
Skin by TC Falcon
Version 1.01
December 20, 2003
Version History:
1.01 December 20, 2003
1.0 December 7, 2003 ...
Insomnia 2004
If you can’t get some sleep this is the right skin to hangout with.
25.03.2003 - Insomnia 24h, (available at
17.05.2003 - Insomnia 36h, (available at
21.02.2004 - Insomnia 2004
created by: Zarko Jov ...