{scrollbar-track-color: #FFB401;
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Welcome to a new era of listening enjoyment, audiophile, for now you have LINEAR - the brilliantly faultlessly and downright perfect skin for Winamp 2 - except for that bug and this (all caused by Winamp's inability to skin perfectly, of course). Your journey through life has just taken a right turn whilst the screenlife of all your other skins just went past a "wrong way" sign. The road right is a long one, friend, so gather all your true friends, enough coffee to fill the hole in your social life and some chairs. Yes, the hard floor hurts after a while. Plus you probably can't see your monitor from down there. You can? Well, if you must be special. I hear you muttering the all important question while your friends perch nervously on the very edges of their "seats". How can one skin bring me a new era of listening enjoyment? Well to be honest... it can't. The music will sound the same and again you will curse britneylover89320403 for the poor quality of their CD ripper. However, it can improve your viewing experience. You see, as impressive as Britney Spears or your university are, you get bored of them. Yes, you do - do NOT deny it. LINEAR has been engineered at a top secret R&D plant somewhere in the wilds of England. That's in the United Kingdom - a small place in Europe for all you yanks. Yes, Europe. That's another small place just to the right of America and a little bit higher than Africa. Yes, it's that place that sometimes features on the news, right after the breaking news that scientists have found a cure for obesity - this new fangled idea called exercise. Or perhaps it was exorcism. Nevermind. Anyway, top designers (yes, left hand and right hand) spent hours working away at keyboard in this top secret location, known only as "my bedroom", producing the wonder you see before you. And for those of us who can count further than three (yep, yanks skip a couple of lines NOW) these are the vital stats:
Anyway, two things. The playlist looks spiffiest at font size 8pt but due to circumstances out of my control it defaults to size 10pt. To spiffify the playlist and MB font, in Winamp press Ctrl+P to access the Preferences and choose "Options... Display". Change the text field "Playlist font size" to "8". Now click close.
Also, if you want to stop the MB opening every time this skin refreshes, then open the .wsz file and remove the file "MB.INI".
If you want to speak to me, either because you want to talk about the skin, or if you need some friends after the others fell off their seats, injuring themselves and decided to sue, you can:
a. email me at info-is@in-file or info-is@in-file
b. go to my website at
c. catch me at the Forums. I usually hang out in Winamp2 skins (sometimes called Share Your Skin Love) at My screename is skinme!
d. shout really loud and hope I can hear you.
e. bounce your message in short bursts of morse code off a falling meteorite. Yes this is possible.
f. go to my Deviantart profile at, leave a comment or note me.
g. give up and life your life in solitary confinement somewhere in the depths of the Peruvian jungle, hoping somebody will rescue you, before realising you never told anybody where you were going so they'll just presume you dead. Yes, it's a meagre existence, isn't it.
Check out the following thread for "the making of LINEAR":
You can get back on your seat now.
~~~~~~~~~~~ lime 1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This amp was influenced by the design of
crystal bastard 2.0 and SonyAmp10.
I don't take any credit for this one.
The display is the color of lime milkshake
thus the name lime.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...
WinAmp v2.9 "Lucky Strike" Skin
April 8, 2004
By Hernandus (info-is@in-file)
WinAmp Skin Made in Argentina.
Thanks to Jellby for his great template.
Skinner's Atlas 1.5.1. Itīs ...