This skin contains 2 versions of EQMAIN.BMP. The default doesn't support equalizer. If you need it open the skin with winzip and rename the "EQMAN.
reason plausibility (logical, of corsue, not common sense) is important is because they're supposed to make you paranoid. This can only be achieved if there is a chance that the subject matter may actually be real, and so logical plausibilty is important
This skin contains 2 versions of EQMAIN.BMP. The default doesn't support equalizer. If you need it open the skin with winzip and rename the "EQMAN.BMP" file into someother and name the "EQMAIN - with EQ.BMP" to "EQMAIN.BMP".
Send your comments to info-is@in-file
_ _ _ _ ______HELLO KITTY______ _ _ _ _
by Lawrence Wong
especially for Amy Wong
Version 1.0 - September 09, 1999
_ _ _ _ _______________________ _ _ _ _
HiFi3 by AntM
DATe: 6/8/2001
HiFi3 is finally here! It took me a while, but
I finished. Hope you guys like it.I've worked
very hard on this skin so dont take anything
from my skin without my permission. I'd like
to thank all ...