==================== Project ibun =====================This skin was created in June 2002 by Thomas Hooper (info-is@in-file)If you're planning on taking credit f
==================== Project ibun =====================
This skin was created in June 2002 by Thomas Hooper
If you're planning on taking credit for this skin or
publishing it without mentioning me, DONT! because it
took flippin ages, using the base skin as a template
in Photoshop (not these fancy create-a-skin programs!)
If you like this skin THANKYOU, if you dont, BOG OFF!
This skin was designed for the site Projectibun.com
Well it is. Kind of.
All it has to say is that I hope you like this skin, there may or may not be any more versions but most likely there won't. If you have any sugestions feel free to keep them to yourself, I have enough to do. I'm sure you are bright ...
****playdreamcast.com Winamp Skin v1.4****
Designed by Giles Cotterill
Release Date: 15/Aug/00
This skin is dedicated to playdreamcast.com which is owned by Chris Butterworth, we are good friends and as he couldn't produce a skin he asked ...