Skin Information
Name: Tip
Version: 1.3
Description: Based on Finger Eleven's album cover for Tip.
Completed: August 5th, 2001 (Updated the Readme.txt file)
Note: This skin includes a fil ...
-*** Silence ***-
-October, 2000
-- Skin was born in Adobe Photoshop 5.5
-- Cursors were born in Axialis Ax-Cursors 4.5
-- I finally finished what used to be 'Em142' but
later became my favorite skin, so I renamed it after
myself: 'The S ...
made by Snyper
This is my latest skin called Topscorer. It is about Soccer (or Football).
It took me a lot of time but now it's finished and I think it's quite good.
Hope u like it!
S ...