McLaren F1 AMP--------------Created by Dawg4Life2K1 (aka Alex Luu)"McLaren F1 AMP" is property of Alex Luu and may not be rippe
McLaren F1 AMP
Created by Dawg4Life2K1 (aka Alex Luu)
"McLaren F1 AMP" is property of Alex Luu and may not be ripped, reproduced, or republlished in any
way or form without my discretion. If found, the rip will be taken down immediately, and I will
personally hunt you down like an animal.
Parts skinned:
Main Window
AVS (Advanced Video Studio)
MB Inner
McLaren F1
-----------------------MarinAmp v1.5------------------------
-----------------------by josé marín------------------------
This was my first skin, and i think the best... by now.
Curiously ...