============ lavalAMP - Aqua ============This skin was created in August 2002 by Thomas Hooper (info-is@in-file)If you're planning on taking credit forthis skin
============ lavalAMP - Aqua ============
This skin was created in August 2002 by
Thomas Hooper (info-is@in-file)
If you're planning on taking credit for
this skin or publishing it without
mentioning me, DONT! because it took
flippin ages, using the base skin as a
template in Photoshop (not these fancy
create-a-skin programs!)
If you like this skin THANKYOU, if you
dont, BOG OFF! This skin was inspired by
the Mathmos lavalamp which is why it
looks so funky.
Thanks to 'Vectorist' at yaXay for
finding the fonts used in this skin.
This skin was modified from my original
lavalAMP skin after suggestions from the
Winamp forums.
By: Mattias Karlsson
Lunarstorm: Mkarlsson
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Lunarstorm is a very popular youth meeting site in sweden.
This is my third skin and Im really hapy with it. ...