GAGA!(c) 2003 Sexrex.sexrex_@btopenworld.comFinal build 09 July 2003.Welcome to GAGA, my interpretation of one of the great WA2 skins of the last few years &
(c) 2003 Sexrex.
Final build 09 July 2003.
Welcome to GAGA, my interpretation of one of the great WA2 skins of the last few years "DADA" by Xerxes.
Fully compatible with Winamp 2.95 and lower.
I've always loved the original, this is my colourful tribute to it, and to all the lovely ladies who've made me go slightly gaga over the years.
This skin was built from the ground up, using the original DADA skin as a guide, a few bits survived however...
Posbar slider originally from DADA
Text font originally from DADA
I'd like to thank Xerxes for giving me permission to do this, also thanks to Google image search , which is a never ending source of fun.
This skin was built listening to the words and music of Thethe & Liz Horsman, fine inspiration indeed.
Also , thanks to the lovely lady who posed for the playlist,you know who you are ;)
Greetings and thanks in no particular order to...
Xerxes, without who none of this would be possible.
Duk, Oh brother where art thou.
Cappy, keeper of the Duk.
WRWally, Jax slayer.
'Adder, never tell him anything.
BG, back in the fold.
Bladez, den mother to us all.
ripe, a fella who knows class.
THEMike, Fucking Brit.
flatmatt, Homestar who?
Spoonman, a wavy intruder.
Jones, chief grip.
Sarah,chief playlist model ;)
Jack, words have failed me :(
Anyone else who I've forgotten, meh...
"You can scream into your pillow,
you can pray into the night"
I just thought I should tell you all who use my skin that if you take
away the Region.txt file you can see the parts that I've made
transparent and if you wonders about anything you can mail me on
and I'll try to response to you as quick as
This is the 0.1 version ...
GREY-AMP v1.0 by Barta
Part of the COLOR-AMP collection : WinAmp in 10 flavours.
Playlist's font is Orbit- ...