Author : Jean-Paul Larrivee
Created: 12/28/2002
Contact: info-is@in-file
Home Page:
Comment: Thankyou for downloading
my skin. This is my fifth
one and they just keep
getting better.
P.S. If you have any comments or
helpful tips, feel free to
contact me at my e-mail
above. :)
STARAUDIO - 4 1/2 years in the making.
Tom Plantan
Believe it or not this was started 4 1/2 years ago. It was to be
the indiglo amp. But work and school, make for about 100+ hours
of occupied time. That does ...
Star Trek Panels
This is my first skin for v2.x WinAmp. Feel free to modify the skin if you wish. If you decide to distribute it please reference my work and send me a copy to info-is@in-file.
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