read me textHi-Fi Integration a winamp 2.9/2.x skinby amp-phibian (Anthony Pettie)well my creation has been reborn for winamp2.9best when viewing winamp
read me text
Hi-Fi Integration a winamp 2.9/2.x skin
by amp-phibian (Anthony Pettie)
well my creation has been reborn for winamp2.9
best when viewing winamp in a tower position locked to one side of your monitor or the other
and dragging the various open windows up or down the tower as needed
the eq is designed to be locked on top of the main although it is usable over all windows
items updated or changed in the skinning process
reworked all three winshades drastically
changed contrast in the main (eq overlay area in particular)
including adding text and the dim half of an added animation when eq is overlayed
moved monoster around added hi/fi graphic there
reworked eq with improved sliders
and the bright half of the overlay animation
mikroamp added
mbinner added
gen,genex,video bmps added
hi-fi integration 1.0 readme
well my idea is now come to life. A fully integrated eq and main.
while this idea is probablly better suited for a winamp 3 skin the challenge behind it
was to see if it could be done with as few drawbacks as possible in winamp 2 with its
"set" features versus having the ability to place anything anywhere.
the ability to understand, that no matter what windows you are viewing if you lose something
behind another component you are only ever 1 or 2 mouse clicks away from any component
returning to the top, that understanding is essential
a few short notes about this design. In order to create a fully integrated
eq and main it requires the placement of the eq on top of the main with
another window underneath (or above) to keep them locked together ideally
this will be the playlist winshade for size purposes all though the rounded
components with the rectangular plws does detract from the idea. as a matter
of fact in hind sight the replacement of all rounded aspects of this skin with
90 degree angles, whether it was the main or eq component shape or the interior displays of all the components
would probably made this flow alot more asthetically. oh hell another possible reason to update
and if nothing else a learning lesson for my next skin
the vis area of the main is intended to be viewed in spectrum analyzer mode
with thick bands, peaks, and firstly in normal style.
other main display options as designed are to have the clutterbar turned off(use the little button underneath)
and to have the dim inactive titlebars option activated
about the eq
the removed areas of the eq titlebar allow for acess to the minimize all function and the options button
plus the arrows are there to illustrate a grab point for moving the eq over main design when locked together with another window
the eq bars are obviuosly not full length, but they are by all means fully functional.
and while it will work without being on top of the main, asthetically and for design purposes
that is its intended place.
the sliders
bright blue = -20 to 0 decibels (bottom 1/2 of sound spectrum) unpressed state
dark blue = 0 to +20 decibels (top 1/2 of sound spectrum) dummy slider, used to represent position
black = pressed state
-20 db = slider at bottom of eqbar
0 db = slider at both top and bottom of eq bar
+20 db = slider at top of eq bar
you are encouraged to use the dynamic eq readout to help you determine your current position on the
eq bar to help ease confussion
when adjusting a dark blue slider please note the position of the slider for minor adjustments on the positive
side of the sound spectrum, whether it be up or down, because upon pressing the slider you will have to carry the
black pressed state "out' of the top of the eq bar allowing the dark blue slider to reappear at 0 db on the bottom
of the eq bar and then to the desired position.
this is the only drawback of this design and it was unavoidable in order to not disrupt or cover any part of the main
other than the posbar which is still completely usable because of its relative size
this idea came to me when i was skining another skin "Demonic Thoughts" on which i also used a lot of transparecies on the eq.
while all buttons on the main of that one were still usable with the eq on top of the main as it was also designed. the eq bars
obscurred alot of the buttons labels hindering the functionality of that skin.
Demonic Thoughts (dont let the lousy screenshot fool ya)
located at either by searching the title in the skins page or copying and pasting the following url into your browsers address window
Tubular Amp can also be found at by also searching the title in the skins page or copying and pasting the url below
links to both can also be found at either
_ _ _ Harry Potter Skin - - - Missing 1.0 _ _ _
= = = Skin for Winamp, created by myrrh = = =
Finished Date : 0211.30 18.50
This is another one of WinAmp Skin made during my 'Chamber of Secrets' mania. Featuring 'The Boy Who Lives', Harry Potter. ...