Fire - Faust v 0 0 0 1-------------------------------------------------Wazzup! This is my newest skin. In collaboration with Pe@cemaker we are both releasing two
Fire - Faust v 0 0 0 1
Wazzup! This is my newest skin. In collaboration with Pe@cemaker we are both releasing two skins
that are similar in some looks overall but, ahve completely unique feel and style. They will be released
Fire Faust
- GaretJax : info-is@in-file
Ice Faust
- Ellusive : info-is@in-file
Garet Jax or Peacemaker are/is not liable for what stupid people do
with our/my skin.
* You may not use parts of this skin unless you ask.
* if you use anything you must send me a copy (email) requesting usage.
* if you fail to meet the above I will find it and humiliate you.
anything skin relevant is found in this document
(its called readme.html // readme.txt)
if you don't want to make it your default, be my
guest, but at least you may want take a look at it.
distribute this skin freely, but don't delete the
Name: Joe W. Garrett [x] Main [x] Main_WS
Skin: Fire Faust [x] Eq [x] EQ_WS
Dev: 4 Days +- [x] PlayList [x] PL_WS
Alias: Garet Jax [x] Minibrowser [ ] Inner HTML
Date: 08.10.2002 [x] Mikro [x] Readme.txt
web: [x] AVS [ ] WebUrls
mail: info-is@in-file [ ] Cursors [ ] Replace MB Script
(c) g a r e t j a x ( 2 0 0 2 )
Name: Mike McKimm [x] Main [x] Main_WS
Skin: Ice Faust [x] Eq [x] EQ_WS
Dev: 4 Days +- [x] PlayList [x] PL_WS
Alias: Pe@cemaker [x] Minibrowser [ ] Inner HTML
Date: 08.10.2002 [x] Mikro [x] Readme.txt
web: [x] AVS [ ] WebUrls
mail: info-is@in-file [ ] Cursors [ ] Replace MB Script
(c) p e @ c e m a k e r ( 2 0 0 2 )
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
[FireBlade skin by -| FrezoreR |-]
Includes: All everything.. even 2.9x support.
All design is [c] FrezoreR.
And if you decide to use parts of my skin without asking for permission a minivan is shuved up your as.
Then screwed 480 degrees. =P
If ...
This skin is taken from StarFox® 64 featuring the key charachter, Fox McCloud.
I tried to show most of the picture as well as all of the controls and this was the result.
Colours were chosen to match the starry background s ...