*** MetalX Platinium Deluxe ***
for Winamp 2
by Borac
January 2003, Croatia
Skinned components:
- Main skin
- Equalizer
- Playlist Editor
- Mini Browser
Cursors are not skinned.
Usage notice:
Set up your desktop to 32-bit color depth and enjoy!
MetalX Platinium Deluxe is based on my previous skin
MetalX Platinium Classic.
If you like it and/or have any sugestions/critics, please
send me a mail :).
PanasonicXBass v1.0+ by AjiZ Modified at 14 July 2000
I modified a skin with Panasonic Audio Player interfa ...
Peque_Nino v1.0
by Verónica Mogni
April 2004
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Spanish version below.
Versión castellana más abajo.
Who is Nino? What is Nino?
Nino is a peque.
Do you still don't know what a peque is?
Visit Los Peques' official web ...
Pyranha by Kartal...
Version 1.0
Winamp 2.9x compatible.
Set "snap winamp windows" at 3 pixels to center the main window to the window below .it's in the options/preferences/display.if you do this , open button and titlebars will look at the same line. ...