This is the first Winamp skin I've made, so I figured I should pick a worthy subject. :) I didn't bother skinning the Winamp browser, because, well, who uses it any
This is the first Winamp skin I've made, so I figured I should pick a worthy subject. :) I didn't bother skinning the Winamp browser, because, well, who uses it anyway?
To find out more about me and my work, including any future skins I make, check out my Websites: (personal) (professional)
Paul Davidson
Creative AWE.32.Deluxe v1.5 By Richard Boulton
This is a skin for WinAmp v2.60 and higher. It is designed
for v2.60 of WinAmp which ...
This skin was originally intended to be finished by mid October...but with moving across 3 states, having to find a new job, and getting things situated it got pushed back substantially. Now...I think it's done.
-Edward Sadler
info-is@in-file ...
Cobalt Coruscus
---(c) tydogg---
Thanks to everyone at the
winamp skin forums for their help.
This one took me a long time.
All windows skinned
fixed some minor graphical errors
smoothed out eq slider animation
added cbutton la ...