****playdreamcast.com Winamp Skin v1.4**** Designed by Giles CotterillRelease Date: 15/Aug/00This skin is dedicated to playdreamcast.com which is owned by Chris
****playdreamcast.com Winamp Skin v1.4****
Designed by Giles Cotterill
Release Date: 15/Aug/00
This skin is dedicated to playdreamcast.com which is owned by Chris Butterworth, we are good friends and as he couldn't produce a skin he asked me...
Well this skin looks really good with all windows skinned in the playdreamcast.com green.
It took me a while to produce this skin so please don't rip it off!
Version History
v1.0 - Not released
Very first part of this looked the same but not as good.
v1.1 - Not released
Look a bit better AVS/WVS was skinned.
v1.11 - Not released
Errors in the AVS/WVS window fixed.
v1.2 - Not realeased
Buttons in main window reworked to look good.
v1.21 - Not realeased
Close, minimise etc... buttons reworked to give the impresion that they were pressed.
v1.3 - Not released
Minibrower skinned looking pretty cool.
v1.31 - Not realeased
Minibrowser buttons reworked to look like main windows.
v1.4 - Final Version
A few things reworked like the preset button in EQ window.
Designer Contact: info-is@in-file
Designer Home : www.gilescotterill.co.uk + www.thearchives.co.uk
Designer ICQ : 71141045
Designer MSN : info-is@in-file
Yahoo! Messenger: info-is@in-file
If you wish to contact me by email please use 'info-is@in-file'
..: PROTOTYPE 1 :..
ver 1.0
Made by hEBBE 18 November 2000
It took about 6-7 hours to make this skin complete.
Itīs made in a few simple programs.
Photoshop 5.5 + plug-ins & Paintshop Pro 5.5.. ...