:: Transparency 2.0::_____________________By Andrew MackowskiThis skin, in part or in whole, may not be sold or distributed without the Author's expressed writte
:: Transparency 2.0::
By Andrew Mackowski
This skin, in part or in whole, may not be sold or distributed without the Author's expressed written consent.
Furnace Ver. 1.0 by Jacob Aspler
Released: Tuesday June 25, 2002
Email: info-is@in-file
Do not change and distribute this winamp skin
without my permission. If you wish to have this
winamp skin for download at your website then
contact me f ...
O............:|the Futurism|:............O
O--------------:|SKIN INFO|:--------------O
O Author: V3NOM aka Antti Vuorinen O
O E-MAIL: info-is@in-file O
O Skin: the Futurism ...
Time Stranger Kyoko
Jin Sakataki
by Kyrddis
20 January 2003
Yeah another TSK skin. But this time with a male character... isn't he nice... or better hot^^'
This time no song as title... I do not know enough about him to find a suitable song.
Howev ...