*** PsychotiK *** WinAmp Skin by JaymzFirst attempt at designing skins. ;) I created this skin usinga similar theme as my Descent 2 level of the same name. The
*** PsychotiK ***
WinAmp Skin
First attempt at designing skins. ;) I created this skin using
a similar theme as my Descent 2 level of the same name. The
grayscale-b&w feel is remeniscent of the movie 'Psycho'.
Hope ye like PsychotiK.
- unzip into your winamp skins folder.
(ex. c:program fileswinampSkins )
- choose 'select skin' under the options menu of winamp.
- select PsychotiK and enjoy!
1. About Providence:
Providence is a tabletop role-playing game which combines high fantasy and superheroes. Published by XID Creative, Providence contains a richly detailed environment with quick and flexible ...
Skin: POLARIS V1.0 [25/10/2001]
Author: eddieo (wg)
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Website: www.wgskins.com
Thanks for downloading this skin.
Check out the site for some tips on skinning
Any comments or sugestions