Unicorn Clan Winamp Skin (UnicornAmp)version1.25Author: Charon Authors email: info-is@in-file This skin may be freely distributed providing this Readme file is
Unicorn Clan Winamp Skin (UnicornAmp)
Author: Charon
Authors email: info-is@in-file
This skin may be freely distributed providing this Readme file is included and this zip is not modified in any way.
If you intend to modify this skin, please ensure that any redistribution includes the original work as well.
The Unicorn clan Mon (Clan symbol) is used with full credit to AEG, Five Rings Publishing Group, and Wizards of the Coast, and I do not claim any copyright for this symbol. This is a dedication work to Legend of the Five Rings ccg, and I will cease distribution of this skin should I be asked by AEG, FRPG, WOTC, or any other affiliates with legal claim to copyright of the Unicorn Clan Mon.
Special thanks goes to Bobby Campbell, for the initial idea of this series of skins, (Hows ScorpionAmp Going?). Quinn, for having the courage to actually play the Ponies against me, and the encouragement she continually gave for this skin (Love ya Girl.) And of course Ree and the whole team at FRPG for creating such a wonderfull game.
Changes in this version
Added family names to the windows/ easter egged the missing one ;)
Changed the posbar slider, going for a more uniform look in the series.
US RED ROAD by Icecrime
This is my first skin for Winamp. My favourite colour is the RED so I used it. The rest came from my imagination.
I have managed to skin even the AVS window and I am satisfied.
Nothing else to say.
Enjoy my skin.
info-is@in ...