Air Winamp Skin v1.0by Lorenz Presslermade for the Air art competition from!I hope you like my skin as much as you like the gorgeous band air
Air Winamp Skin v1.0
by Lorenz Pressler
made for the Air art competition from!
I hope you like my skin as much as you like the gorgeous band air.
Buttons were made in 3d Studio Max 2.0, for other graphix Photoshop 5.5 and Paintshop Pro 6.00 were used.
If you like it, send me an e-mail so that I can see that all the long hours of work were not only for myself.
e-mail: info-is@in-file
Here is my Akira-Kaneda skin. Obviously based on the anime/manga Akira. If you haven't seen Akira go out and rent it or buy it off the internetor something. I skinned all of the components including cursors, minibrowser,AVS. Enjoy.
- David ...