Gohan Amp2 v1.0 by:Larry TennisonAgain, a new skin of Gohan. afriend of mine told me that my skins were a little less thanadiquite in the graphics dept.When
Gohan Amp2
by:Larry Tennison
Again, a new skin of Gohan. a
friend of mine told me that my
skins were a little less than
adiquite in the graphics dept.
When I told him that I had the
programs to make them better,
I just didn't know how to use
them too well, he set about
to show me how to cook with
After a while of training, I
decided to fininsh a Gohan skin
that I had started, but quit
being unhappy with how it was
going. The skin you see now
is the final result..
I hope that you all like it.
the more that I work with
these progs. the better these
skins will get. So basically,
If you liked my work in the
past, prepare yourself for
what you will witness in the
Larry Tennison
ICQ(If I am ever on)
Golden Ring v2 --- by Jellby
(January-April 2002)
To install the included preset, open the .wsz file with winzip and extract the file 'GoldenRing.avs' directly into your winampavs folder or in a subfolder.
To use the preset, just right-click i ...
Aug 6, 1999
Rally Vincent is so cool! Gunsmith cats is a fun anime and manga
series! Hmm the yellow in this skin turned out a bit bright I think,
but I still kinda like it ^^ Enjoy!
http://fly.to/Emichan ...