pb version 1.2.1
par Rémy Magalhaes
achevé le 03 février 2001
Voilà mon deuxième skin tant attendu,
librement inspiré par la revue du même
Merci à Colin, Xavier, Eilen
et aux autres que j'oublie sûrement.
Pour les rentes voila mon adres ...
Made by Nero!
This is a skin inspired by the Palm Pilot by 3Com. This is the best skin
I have made. It goes perfect with your Palm Pilot. Try the Palm OS Emulator
and see what I mean. It got support for the minibrowser. If you have Winam ...
Created by Gloria Hsieh
Finished in March 2001
Guess how many bettles are in this skin?
P.S. The answer is "three" ;-p
After I made my first beetle skin, I decided to make the second on ...