How to use this skin:If you have a Winamp 2.04 or more:put this zipfile into the /skins folderunder the /winamp one, then press ALT+Swith WinAmp Running and cho
How to use this skin:
If you have a Winamp 2.04 or more:
put this zipfile into the /skins folder
under the /winamp one, then press ALT+S
with WinAmp Running and choose the skin from the list
that will pop up.
If you have a previous version:
Unzip all the zipfile into a folder under /skins one.
i.e.: /winamp/skins/Edu22amp
Every skin needs to be unzipped in a different folder.
Como usar este skin:
Se você possui a versão do Winamp 2.04 ou mais recente:
Coloque este arquivo zipado na pasta /skins que está dentro
da pasta /winamp, então tecle ALT+S com o Winamp funcionando
e selecione o skin da lista que irá aparecer.
Se você possui uma versão anterior:
Descompacte todos os arquivoe em uma pasta que esteja dentro da pasta
ex: /winamp/skins/EDU22AMP
Cada skin deve ser descompactado dentro de uma pasta diferente.
Eduardo Pereira
Joinville-SC Brazil
::[ edgecrusher ]:: LAME BLUE
v. 1.0
release date: 11.04.2k2
skin by: gerdez a.k.a. "a Láma"
Notes: It's been a while since I ...
EricssAmp By Andrew Murphy - 24/02/99
EricssAmp is a winamp skin based on my Ericsson A1018s mobile
phone. The phone has an interchangeable coloured panel around
the keypad and display, so I used that colour for the skin.
The skin includes files ...