________________________________________The Resurrection of Kaiser Bobo________________________________________The resurrection of Kaiser Bobo skin for WinAmpwa
The Resurrection of Kaiser Bobo
The resurrection of Kaiser Bobo skin for WinAmp
was created by the all-powerful and wise, Bobo,
the eternal god of Meat.
You can distribute this file as much as you want
as long as you don't mess with the main archive.
This skin was created by solace [Justin Hopper].
Finished: October 25th, 2002
Offical Artex Submittion. [www.artexgen.com]
For more colors or other skins, visit www.thedrool.com. ...
Tori Amos in black and white
by Nini
a looks somehow naked, doesn't it
so here's my skin info:
* I love Tori's Under the Pink (who doesn't?)
* so I thought I could make a skin of it
-past the m ...
Honda Prelude
Created by: The Safety Lemur
Contact Info:
Special thanks goes out to my
beautiful girlfriend Jen, who
helped ...