.Aeris - Winamp 2.0+ skin set=============================.VERSION 1.0.RELEASE: Sep 29, 2001.SKIN MOTIVEThe skin motive is on Aeris Gainsborough, from the RPG
Jun18M.Abu-Baker (MBA; UCP) Aoa Muaz! Dear, i listened your last 3 epedisos, which i really enjoyed and felt deeply its crucks and analyzed implications I just have a request, that i need recordings of all these show, kindly tell me how can i g
.Aeris - Winamp 2.0+ skin set
.RELEASE: Sep 29, 2001
The skin motive is on Aeris Gainsborough, from the RPG games, Final Fantasy.
She's a young, beautiful and somewhat mysterious, flower girl in Midgar.
Just copy the .zip file to your .WinampSkins directory. When unzipping the file it'll make
a folder automaticly. (In the newer versions you don't even need to unzip the file.) Then
enter [Options / Skin Browser] or us Alt+S. Then mark the folder/filename and there you have
Kevin Chok (info-is@in-file)
...::: AquaSteel 3.0 :::...
AquaSteel v2.0 was well recieved and was
supposed to be my last skin, but I decided to
update it for winamp +2.90...anyway got to go
build my website, look below for address..
...::: Skin Contents :::...
Kindred's ATB Skin
Thank you for downloading my skin
I've kinda lost count on how many skins I've made,but this is the 9th one admitted to 1001winampskins.com.
My 8 skins have accumulated over 70 000 downloads together,so I take it that you all li ...