Title: Panda Attack!(c)Version: 1.0Copyright Date: December 2001Author: Stephen LeckAuthor's Current AKA: XorKayaArt/Photo Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop 6.0O
Title: Panda Attack!(c)
Version: 1.0
Copyright Date: December 2001
Author: Stephen Leck
Author's Current AKA: XorKaya
Art/Photo Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop 6.0
Other Progams Used: VisEditor 1.02
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
Author's Comment:
This is my third skin for WinAMP, so I hope you all enjoy it. My first
being "Imperial Assault", and second being "3rd Degree".
You can currently my skins here;
This skin (Panda Attack!) was inspired by the amazing comics of the amazing
Scott R. Kurtz. His comics (particularly PvP(c)) are an amazing series that I
recommend you all go and read. You can find them at:
I've read through the entire archive from start to finish, and I have to tell
you... it's amazing! :) Now go and read it!
A big Thank You to Scott R. Kurtz for the creation of PvP(c)!
Please feel free to email me your comments, suggestions or questions.
-XorKaya A.K.A. Steve Leck
Mireille from Noir
Work is based on wallpaper by... unfortunately, I've lost author's name. =( The wallpaper was posted somewhere on the Net, but I don't remember where as well. I hope author will not get angry at me for using the art without permissio ...