To use this skin, extract it into your winamp/skins/ directory.. the rest should take care of itself.. Im pretty f'n good aint I?This is my first attempt at a Win
To use this skin, extract it into your winamp/skins/ directory.. the
rest should take care of itself.. Im pretty f'n good aint I?
This is my first attempt at a WinAmp skin.. I think I did a really good
f'n job considering all I used was paint.. Most of it should work, and
if it doesn't, thats way too bad for you. Any questions, comments??
Email: info-is@in-file
Visit my webpage, sign my guestbook, and let me now how much you love
this shiiiii
No Limits Winamp Skin created by Ryvon
This skin is an experiment using the Region.txt in the skin folder to creat transparencies. Anyone may feel free to alter or change this skin, but please do not try to take credit for the original design.
info- ...
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This skin is copyrighted by SEAHAWK
ICQ # 34372446
Please send feedback !! ...