XVIII-AMP This skin was made by Henrik Pedersen from Denmark. e-mail: info-is@in-file I wanted to make a skin with a stone look and I think I succeded. The name
This skin was made by Henrik Pedersen from Denmark.
e-mail: info-is@in-file
I wanted to make a skin with a stone look and I think I succeded. The name it self has no meaning it just looked good on the skin, and it look very medieval, that is way I placed the knight on the equalizer.
Skins earlier made by me:
1: Azzamp.
2: Butt-amp.
3: Kayo-amp.
4: The ShArK 2k.
5: ESR 2.
6: Eye on Futurama.
U can download them on winamp.com or www.1001winampskins.com
As I said before I'm from Denmark. If you don't know what Denmark is I'll tell you. It's a small country in Skandinavia in Northern Europe. It has 5.2 million citizens. The danish flag "Dannebro" is red with a white cross on it, and it is supposed to be the oldest known flag in the world, about 800 years. It is said that it fell from the sky, when the Danes fought in Estonia, but it was probably just a piece of clothes from a knight.
The capital city is Copenhagen, which is placed in the eastern part of Denmark.
Some famous danish people:
Canute the Great, danish viking king, who rulled in England.
Hans Christian Andersen, Writer.
Niels Bohr, Nuclear sceintist,who worked with Einstein.
Jorn Utzon, Architect, who design the Opera House in Sidney.
Morten Andersen, American Football-player.
Victor Borge, Comidian.
The Laudrup-brothers, Soccerplayers.
among many others.
Please mail your opinion the skins to info-is@in-file (Please write which skin u mean)
Henrik Pedersen
Evolution Rogue >>> v 1.0
7 Jun 2003
Dammam , Saudi Arabia
My First Skin!
Of One Of My Fav XMen
Took Loads Of Time But I Feel The Skin's Worth It
Skinned MikroAMP Plugin (available @ www.skinmaster.co.uk/mikroamp)
Checkout The Volum ...
Xtd 9199 v1.0
Xploring new technichs is accually the reason why i made this skin...
i had this idea during my vacations and i think it turned out ok.
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july 19, 2002
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my third skin, took me about 40 hours to do this one. I'm a huge xbox fan, and I'll most likely make a few xbobx game-based skins, (ie halo), in the near future.
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