_____// ality
Threeaility WinAMP Skin
1. INSTALL Just move this ZIP file into
the SKIN subdirectory of WINAMP's installed folder.
2. Run WinAmp and press ALT, S
3. Select 3z from the list
Version: 1.00 (only version)
Author: Captain Slug
E-mail: info-is@in-file
URL: http://simflight.com/cs/
Just another skin for WinAmp, the worlds best MP3 player.
You can find it at http://www.winamp.com
All graphics are in truecolor, so better not try it in 256 color mode.
Simply unzip all files in C: and choose "3Dnow" from
_____// dom
Threedom WinAMP Skin
1. INSTALL Just move this ZIP file into
the SKIN subdirectory of WINAMP's ins ...