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Grey Amp ver 1.3
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Finished on: 2000.1.11
Days to finish: 1 Day
Created by: Joshua Clark
Created with: Adobe Photoshop
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Homepage: The Most Unspectacular,
the Most Unincredible Web Site
in the World, Joshx's Home! at http://joshx.virtualave.net or http://come.to/joshx
Best if seen in 16-bit color
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Originaly started out as a skin based on the Playstation but turned into someting else. This is called Grey Amp because it has absolutly no color in its at all. I hope this skin brings joy into the hearts of thousands (ha ha ha ha ha, little joke!)
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Special Thanks
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My Computer - without it, I would have not been able to make this
My F^*#in Monitor - for not blinking out while I made this (I need to get a new one!)
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SO! What's NEW!
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-Version 1.3-
Minor bug fixes. Changed the buttons On the Main: EQ, PL; Suff, Rep. On the EQ: On, Auto; and Presets. And I also changed the Mono Stereo. Enjoy!
-Version 1.0-
Major fixes, redone the "CButtons" and the EQ completly, tweeked the PL and the main window and left the MB alone. And I changed the name to "Grey Amp". This is the first version with everything possible skinned (except the cursors, the default goes along nicely with this). Well, enjoy!!!!
-Version 0.75-
(Not relesed) Added the EQ, PL, and the MB. Doesn't look quite right, I'm gonna keep workin on it.
-Version 0.5-
3D'ized the background and removed the colorful buttions (doesn't go with this skin).
-Version 0.45-
The whole skin isn't finished but I wanted to know what people think of it before continuing.
---=== Goth Amp ===---
by Zlatko Kreso
This is my first released skin that I have actually done any airbrushing on.
I'm not a goth, neither do I intend to become one, but you gotta admit, they have got an eye-catching style. A style that I have ...
August The 17 Of 2004
Version :: 0.2
By :: (¯`·.¸_¸.·¤< £L * /r6£][¨|¨Ø >¤·.¸_¸.·´¯)
For Winamp 2.x , 3.x & 5.x
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