AMPOWERS 2.0 (Austin Powers) SKIN for WINAMPCreated by Massimo Maisano info-is@in-fileversion 2.0 11/08/2000I didn't want to complete the work, but I had to, 'ca
AMPOWERS 2.0 (Austin Powers) SKIN for WINAMP
Created by Massimo Maisano info-is@in-file
version 2.0 11/08/2000
I didn't want to complete the work, but I had to, 'cause a stupid guy published on MY skin with HIS name (James Hastings, you're a jerk!).
So here's you the new version, with Eq_ex file, Mini Browser, and Easter egg. File size is smaller than previous version too.
Come visit my site
where you'll find another skin, dedicated to the italian band Bluvertigo.
Many thanks to Luigino and his site
full of wonderful italian skins!
Austin Powers tm
================================Agent J-87================================
6:02 PM 5/12/2006
Here's a skin I've been working on in between things,its a follow up version to my Army-Amped skin,hope you like it.This skin was made using Micrografx Picture ...
**[Aselyum by -| FrezoreR |-]**
Skinned: All
Parts to come: none..
To find more skins made by me check out:
To find the latest update on this skin visit site named above.
My first skin I seriously airbrushed, ...