------------------[[[[( BioGen )]]]]---------------------
Skin Author: Linesh Mungur
E-mail: info-is@in-file or
Skin Name: BioGen
Skin Version: 1.0
I wanted to design a skin so that whatever be the
positions and sizes of the different windows, they
would fit perfectly together and the boundaries
would seem to merge into one another.
This was a difficult task as I started with a well
textured background. But after some time I
suceeded in skinning the main window and the
equalizer and they fitted together just fine.
I ended the skin in about four days. Some parts
have been real hard or time consuming to deal with
e.g. the titlebar and the playlist editor.
Check my other skins at 1001winampskins.com
or at skinz.org or at winamp.com
i The 60's
ii The Dark One 1.0
iii The Dark One 1.1
iv Leather Burst
v Metallik Temple 1.0
vi Metallik Temple 1.1
Feel free to distribute this skin but do not
modify or delete the Readme.txt file(this file!!).
Bluminium 2.0
Blue Aluminum for the new millennium!
...with piston pushing 'Balance' and 'EQ' slide controls and animated cursors!
It all started with one simple line with a reflection on it ...
I kept it kleen and streamlined...any additional ...
this skin was made using JASC PSP 7.
Ben Harper is god. Go buy Live From Mars. It is his best CD.
Thanks to everyone in the skin love forum and on devart for helping me.
This skin also has mikroamp support and animated cursors.
Pe ...