____________________________________________________________ p r o j e c t o r a m p v 1 . 0 www.projector.se _________________________________________________
p r o j e c t o r a m p v 1 . 0
This is the first version of ProjectorAmp for WinAmp 2.X
It got an aluminium surface with an ocean blue display.
Since this skin is designed for Winamp 2.X and higher
everything is skinned (player, eq, playlist, minibrowser)
Installation notes
Put the zip archive (projectoramp.zip) in your
winampskins directory (note that you don't have to un-
zip it). Start WinAmp and press ALT + S and chose
ProjectorAmp from the list.
skin name.....................................projectoramp
creator...................................torsten edwinson
MetalX for Winamp 2.x
serie Platinium, version 1.3
by Borac
January 2003, Croatia.
Skinned components:
- Main ...