При подготовке скина использованы материалы сайта www.mielofon.ru
В папке "add" хранится:
1) Второй вариант главного окна ...add/main
2) Второй вариант курсоров (автор - Бен Митчелл (info-is@in-file) ...add/cursors
Автор скина: А. Фролов (agf), info-is@in-file
(c) апрель, 2005
The materials of a site www.mielofon.ru is used by preparation of skin
Look in a folder "add" to change main window and cursors:
1) Second variant of main window - ... add/main
2) Second variant of cursors (by Ben Mitchell (info-is@in-file) - ...add/cursors
Skin author: A. Frolov (agf), info-is@in-file
(c) April, 2005
TribalWar.com Companion Skin
DwarfVader 2005, info-is@in-file
Made for your visual utility:
-100% completely customized for WA versions 2.x, 5.x plus MikroAmp, Album List and Announcer plug-ins
-+MikroAmp users will notice a customized "Now Playing" ...
SmokeAlot 2000
Ok, I know I'm supposed to say something in here
about the skin, but i'm tired.. so uhhhh.. yeah,
it's like blue and stuff, and it took me 5 nights
to do.. and uhh, it's got AVS, minibrowser, an ...
"Tori no Hime"
Characters : Sakura and Syaoran, from "Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE" by Clamp.
The picture is from the 2006 Tsubasa Chronicle official calendar. The moment I saw it, I thought it would be nice to make a skin with it. And there it is ...