========================================== [[[[[GROOVE/]]]]==========================================Brought to you by: Ray AgnesCompletion Date: 12/22/01Slog
Brought to you by: Ray Agnes
Completion Date: 12/22/01
Slogan: "Music is energy...flowing
through your body...over you and me,
floating through the night"
CONTACT: info-is@in-file
Comments: Inspired after seeing
the movie "Groove" last year (2000)
I attempted to make a skin that
hopefully would capture the essence
of trance music: smooth, graceful
movements that flowed from one dance
move to another; in this case from one
element to another in the skin. I am
pleased with the results of my fifth skin..
second to be mass released.
*Note*: There are two posbar images in the
file. One with the position button and one
Shoutz: A big thanks to all the people
who I have emailed the preview skin to
and gave excellent constructive criticism.
Thank you! o and... thank you for d/ling
this skin as well ;^)
-Skin dedicated to my ravergirl, Sophie-
27® Green - A skin by Midhun Subhash
This is the green tinted version of the 27 series. Built to remain simple, elegant and functional.Feel free to mail me your suggestions at: info-is@in-fil ...