----=[ Rusted Razor ]=----This Skin was creted for Razorart.com where I am the featured skinner! WOOHOOO!I hope you enjoy this skin, as this is the first skin I a
----=[ Rusted Razor ]=----
This Skin was creted for Razorart.com where I am the featured skinner! WOOHOOO!
I hope you enjoy this skin, as this is the first skin I am truly pleased with. I learned much when making it, and enjoyed making it very much, well, except for skinning the minibrowser of course, as I truly hate it.
Skinned: All windows
Created for: RazorArt.com
Development time: ca. 12 days (on and off)
Made while litening to: The Dark Aeons
Thnx go out to mental for picking me as the featured skinner, Unicr0n and Demonio for suggestions/feedback, and finally to all who like my skins, for without them I would not have been chosen as featured skinner.
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
Site: plastik.pillboxed.com
This skin is created by and
- Made for Winamp 2.x
- Tested on Winamp 2.65 (x86)
- 100% original.
- Made with Adobe
Photoshop 5.5
- Visualization recomended:
Spectrum an ...
Root Data v2.0
Skin made by:
Larry Tennison
Site designed and created by:
----(UPDATE=> new to the version 2.0 => chromed out the metal to get rid of the "rusted look", added a volume slidder button, changed the loo ...
this skin is based around RabCza and NAD 0.93. By Rab and Tobias. you can reach them
at info-is@in-file and info-is@in-file
For Notes on the region-ing and transparancies See Region.txt Also says how to make the
close, WS and min. buttons not fl ...