READ METhis is my first skin which made totally with photoshop.This skin is tribute to Hugh Jackman. He's being so coolin the X-men the movie as Wolverine. I hop
This is my first skin which made totally with photoshop.
This skin is tribute to Hugh Jackman. He's being so cool
in the X-men the movie as Wolverine. I hope you like my winamp
skin. This skin also include with minibrowser and avs. So enjoy.
My other skin will be coming soon.
zz2000 (Malaysia Boleh!)
Highway Amp. Version 1.1
skinned by k_rock923
(C) 2004
Skinning time- You don't want to know (really)
Programs- around a million: mspaint,
microsoft image composer, adobe illustrator,
notepad, microsoft gif animator, ...