Hi everyoneThis skin is titled Beneath The Surface from SG1 Season 4.It belongs in the Movie/Television category and is version 1.0.It shows Sam and Jack minus t
Hi everyone
This skin is titled Beneath The Surface from SG1 Season 4.
It belongs in the Movie/Television category and is version 1.0.
It shows Sam and Jack minus their memories getting rather comfy.
Hope all you Sam and Jack fans like.
(previously info-is@in-file)
SCUAIR cc (a SCUAIR mo colorscheme)
WA 2.91 skin - by bunji
The eq-sliders and playlist-scroller were reworked for this version.
SCUAIR cc is my attempt on the metal-skin franchise. Hope you dig it! I put about 40 hours of work into this ...
ReadMe.txt file for Obsession V1.0 By SMAR
Created for BreedArt pack #22 - http://www.breedart.org
My 2nd skin made for the new Breedpack.
Took a bit longer to make than I thought,
but it worked out nic ...