Hyperion::..Hello people!I finally finished what used to be 'Da 2o87' butlater became my favorite skin, so I renamed it aftera moon from Saturn: 'Hyperion'.Thi
Hello people!
I finally finished what used to be 'Da 2o87' but
later became my favorite skin, so I renamed it after
a moon from Saturn: 'Hyperion'.
This is my 3rd skin &I hope ya like it, because it
took me ages.
My thanks go out to everyone who's downloaded
any of my skins, Winamp and of course the skin-sites.
If ya downloaded and enjoyed this skin , or if ya have
a question or request, please let me know, because i
love feedback!
Here's a deal: if ya like my skin and would like to use
some part of it for your own projects,
I really do not mind, under 2 conditions
that is...
1) Mention my name in the credits
2) when the skin's finished, please let me
know by e-mailing me a copy of your skin,
and please mention which part ya used.
And thanks again Thanks For Downloading...
Diego Alonso Pasten 10:44 09.04.01
info-is@in-file or
"Hugs & Kisses" Featuring Yuusuke and Noelle from the anime series
Tenshi ni Narumon! aka I'm Gonna Be An Angel!
Made by Ash
Completed on 10/31/02
Wow...my 12th skin. But who's counting? XD I forgot when I started this
skin. In total, it took about ...